
Disease management

Onion diseases  have always been an important factor for the loss. To combat these we need to identify the symptoms, understand the exact cause beneath and endeavour effective measures to irradicate the pathogen at the earliest as possible


Pest management
It is important that onion Pest be recognized early in their development so that effective management strategies can be implemented. Thrips are the most important insect pests on onions. Adults are yellowish to yellowish brown with narrow wings 




Nursery Management

Nursery management:  Prepare 25 raised seed beds of 750cm (25ft) long, 4ft (120cm wide and 10-15cm (4-6 inches) high to raise seedlings sufficient for one hectare (10 beds for one acre).  Apply 3-5 baskets farmyard manure and 1/2kg 15:15:15 NPK mixture to each bed and mix them well in the soil.  Sow the seed thinly in 5 to 7.5cm (3 inches) rows.  Irrigate the beds immediately after sowing.  Seedlings will be ready for transplanting in about 6-8 weeks

Seed rate & Sowing

Nursery management


Broadcasting or drill sowing

Planting bulbs

Manures and fertilizers & Weeding

Irrigation and inter-culture

Harvesting and yield




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