
Disease management

Onion diseases  have always been an important factor for the loss. To combat these we need to identify the symptoms, understand the exact cause beneath and endeavour effective measures to irradicate the pathogen at the earliest as possible


Pest management
It is important that onion Pest be recognized early in their development so that effective management strategies can be implemented. Thrips are the most important insect pests on onions. Adults are yellowish to yellowish brown with narrow wings 




Manures fertilizers and weeding

Planting bulbs:  Manures and fertilizers: FYM: 30 t/ha and N:P:K @ 125:75:125 kg/ha
Weed control: Onion is closely planted crop, which makes the manual weeding difficult. Chemical weedicides have been profitably used for the control of weeds. Basalin 1 litre a.i. per hectare as pre-emergent weedicide before transplanting found effective. Besides this a combination of chloraxuron (trade name: Tenoran) and nitrofen (Trade name ToK-E-25) at 1.0 + 1.0kg a.i. per ha. Applied is post-emergent to weeds, one week after transplanting of onion seedlings controlled most of the weeds.


Seed rate & Sowing

Nursery management


Broadcasting or drill sowing

Planting bulbs

Manures and fertilizers & Weeding

Irrigation and inter-culture

Harvesting and yield




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